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Online VOICE Coaching

One-2-One Coaching Packages

If you find it hard to ...

 Your Voice Matters

How it works  

As previously mentioned I use two approaches when working with voice, one is more psychological, the other physical. The nature of virtual sessions does have some limitations when it comes to working with the physical aspect. Working with breath, mannerism and posture and how these affect your voice, will have some restrictions. Hence the nature of these session tends to be more psychological.

That said, it's still possible to work on the physical aspect of voice virtually as well. And for some people the distance of the internet even provides a sense of safety, a welcome boundary so to speak, enabling more freedom to explore their voice and expression. 


The sessions are tailored to your specific vocal, physiological and practical needs to insure best possible results. This means that my suggestions below simply serve as guidelines and will be adapted to your requirements and issues around voice. 


Preparation for your online sessions, so you get   

the most from it 

Depending on what you need sessions can involve vocal or breathing exercises. Naturally this very much depends on what your personal goal is. However, I advise you none the less, to go through this checklist below. And to ensure you get maximum benefit from the sessions we have together please arrange the following.


  • A good internet connection to ensure a seamless flow. 

  • A quiet, undisturbed space with no background noise.

  • Good lighting so you are visible.

  • Space to step back from your laptop so your body, stance and posture can be seen.

  • Privacy so you can participate fully without being distracted, or worried about others hearing or seeing you. 

  • A space where you feel comfortable doing vocal exercises. 



Session One

In the fist session we will clarify which aspects of voice you need to focus on. We'll take a closer look at what you want to gain from these sessions, so that we can work towards a clearly defined goal. 


  • Do a needs analyses

  • Determine your growth edge 

  • Understand how your expression is held back

  • Set a crystal clear intention

  • Agree on homework & actionable steps to practice

In the remaining sessions you'll learn ...

  • how to access the deeper source of vocal power to align body & mind

  • how to speak from being to transmit congruence & authenticity

  • how to project your voice so you get heard

  • how your breath affects tonality so you can create impact & influence

  • how to articulate to relieve your vocal cords from strain & hoarseness

  • how to become emotionally compelling by letting feelings affect your tone

  • how your body is an amazing instrument ;-)

Feedback mails with assignments 

  • feedback and recap of the main points

  • uniquely tailored assignments for homework

  • action points to implement


Online VOCAL Coaching 

One-2-One Coaching Packages

Three Ninety Minute

Voice Coaching Sessions 



*Five Ninety Minute

Voice Coaching Sessions 



*Once your payment has been processed, you'll receive an e-mail and be given instructions to schedule your appointments. Please note that all sessions need to be taken within a two month period after commencement of the first appointment to insure continuity. 

What You'll get

Three* Ninety Minute Online Coaching Sessions 

During these three, ninety minute Zoom/Skype calls we'll draw upon some of the things mentioned below. Through inquiry and exercises involving voice, breath and movement you'll understand how to transmit what you're about while accessing real confidence. 

*or five 

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